Friday, August 23, 2019

10 comparisons between Traditional Project Management, Adaptive Essay

10 comparisons between Traditional Project Management, Adaptive Project Framework (APF), and Extreme Project Management (XPM) - Essay Example Into the bargain, APF’s change is progression to an efficient solution similar to TPM but EPM has no progression change. The APF model offers increased business value in a certain time compared to EPM model. EPM needs processes to start over from the original beginning point hence no value to the business. However, TPM also brings more value to the business. TPM has a fixed scope, while APF and EPM have a variable scope. TPM hates change while APF embraces change but EPM drives the change since it is necessary. On planning TPM is driven by a fixed plan while APF and EPM are driven by Just in time form of planning. TPM has a good breakdown structure, while APF has a middle level work breakdown structure but EPM has no work breakdown structure (Wysocki 297-488). What’s more all changes in APF and TPM are temporary while EPM are permanent. At the same time the focus by APF is drawn towards delivery of products compared to EPM and TPM which are focused on the actual work itself. Lastly, there is partnership strategy between the entire stakeholders which is critical in APF compared to EPM which lacks collaboration and TPM which has minimal partnerships. These can be summarized in the table

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